Travel Bag 1 Powder 2 Shampoo 3 J & J Lotion 4 J Diaper Creme . Rubber Duck, color coordinated Wash cloth and Rattle, Cotton Swab Pack, Baby Bath Guide in a duck print zippered vinyl travel bag with white piping. Printing is done on the bag. medicine kit
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children. breastfeeding support, referrals and a variety of nutritious foods to low-income pregnant, breastfeeding or postpartum women, infants and children up to age five to promote and support good health.Good health and nutrition is important while breastfeeding. If you are not eating good quality food your body will not produce good quality milk for your baby You may not believe this but breastfeeding nutrition is just like other forms of nutrition but with a few slight differences. It is necessary to make sure that you eat healthily with plenty of fruit and vegetables. It is also essential that you eat the recommended daily amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber. However, there are a few minor differences between breastfeeding nutrition and normal nutrition that you may want to take note of to ensure that you adhere to the best diet possible for you and baby. The first point is to watc...