Today's family vacations are necessary in today's hurry-up world. It's a time for families to reconnect and some of the most memorable moments are not spent standing in line at a crowded theme park attraction, they are spent enjoying a Simple unhurried dinner together or taking early-evening walks to nowhere.After all, kids treasure moments, not places Many savvy traveling parents never eat breakfast in a restaurant, and some don't eat lunch in one either. Do they skip these meals? Absolutely not!
But, they do plan ahead by packing a few familiar items – cereal, fresh fruit, juices, peanut butter, bread and crackers, and plenty of snacks. It's not only less expensive, but it makes sense; and, modern hotel rooms that are now commonly outfitted with refrigerators and microwaves make it possible.
School-age children are ready to go have fun – they are not ready to set in a ho-hum restaurant waiting for food that they probably will not eat.Instead, a quick bowl of cereal or a piece of fresh fruit with milk or juice that they can enjoy while watching their favorite cartoon on television makes sense. # Lunch. If everyone is hot and tired after a busy morning at your favorite theme park or the beach, taking a break at your hotel is the perfect solution – it is cool, comfortable, and the perfect place to have lunch.You'll be surprised just how good a peanut butter sandwich, a piece of fresh fruit, and a tall glass of juice tastes... particularly when it's followed by a nap!
Children on vacation are excited, are frequently tired, and typically don't eat much at one meal. Many restaurants gladly comply with requests for additional plates so children can share meals. Don't be afraid to ask. Utilize Coupons. You may find them in hotel lobbies, in your hotel room, in newspapers, and in coupon books.Using them will save you money.
Along Snacks. Despite signs that warn"No Food or Drink Allowed," I do pack small snacks and drinks in my purse for my children. Not only are we saving money.