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Showing posts from April, 2008

Baby care-Homemade baby food

Easy digest food for baby Rice : 100 grams Carrot : 1 number Beans : 10 numbers Toor Dal: 50 grams method: 1) Please wash the carrot, beans and cut into small pieces. Add rice and Dal put into a bowl and boiled around 10 minutes in cooker. 2) Once cooked item is ready, make that one as paste with the help of grinder. 3) Add little salt and feed it to the baby .

Baby care-Baby food(home made baby food)

Nutrition baby food Nutrition baby food ( six months to 10 months) Ingredients: Ground nuts( sprouts) or pea nuts : 100 grams Raggi(sprouts) : 250 grams Green grams(sprouts) : 250 grams Rice : 100 grams Jowar : 100 grams Toor dal : 100 grams Method: sprouts become dry(sun shed) 1)Fry all the ingredient each at a time till it turn into a golden colour. Once it cooled then put all items into grinder jar make them as powder. Once powder is prepared store them in a container. Each time when you feed the child take around 2-3 table spoons of powder, add 100 ml boiled water keep stir around 2-3 minutes and add sugar or salt. Feed the child the semi-liquid.

Baby care-Baby food recipies

Baby Cereal*** (Rice, Mixed, Oatmeal, Wheat Germ, etc.) Mash or puree the Banana. Add the optional ingredients (if desired). Stir until very smooth. Serve, refrigerate or freeze. are a very good source of Potassium. Riper Bananas are easier on baby’s digestive system. to maintain a healthy balance in the digestive system. cereal is an excellent source of Iron. It is a good source of Calcium & is fortified with many vitamins & minerals.

Baby care-pregnancy care

Prior to modern medicine, many mothers and their babies did not survive pregnancy and the birth process. Today, good prenatal care can significantly improve the quality of the pregnancy and the outcome for the infant and mother.Good prenatal care includes:Good nutrition and health habits before and during pregnancyFrequent prenatal examinations to detect early problemsRoutine ultrasounds to detect fetal abnormalities and problemsTake good food.

Massage tips

Baby massage tips # Make your strokes gentle but not ticklish. With soft and gentle touches the baby massage flows from the head to the toes. Tenderly begin on the head and then move to the face, shoulders, arms, hands, chest, stomach and down to the legs, feet and toes. # Follow your baby's mood signals about when to stop the massage. If the baby wants to change position let him or her do so. A baby massage can comfortably last anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 minutes, depending on his or her mood. # When you gently massage your baby’s body parts, you may want to cover the areas of the baby’s body that are not being massaged with a second towel to avoid baby from getting a chill. Run your fingertips lightly over the body using circular motion. Avoid massaging your infant’s navel area, if the cord hasn't completely healed, avoid pressure on the spinal cord and avoid the genitalia area. # You can hold under your baby’s knees and gently press the knees up toward his or her tummy....

Baby care-baby massage

baby massage Since skin is the largest organ in the body, touch is extremely important. The following preparation and useful techniques can assist you in giving your precious baby a spa experience! How to start You will need: 2 soft towels, a clean diaper, natural baby massage oil & little baby! Begin the baby massage when you and your baby are in a relaxed, calm state. The best time is usually before your baby’s bath, at least a half hour after the baby has eaten. Sit comfortably on the floor with the soles of your feet together and form a diamond shape with your legs. Be sure to select a place without drafts and make sure the room temperature is a warm 78 degrees. Then drape a soft towel over your lap. Undress your baby, just leaving on a clean diaper and rest your baby on the towel over your legs so your baby will feel comfortable and secure. Cradle your baby’s head with your feet. Then put some baby massage oil on your clean hands and rub them together so they will be...

massage for baby

ayurvedic massage for baby Baby massage has a long tradition in India. Just after birth, a cleansing massage is done with a soft wheat-dough ball, to which a little almond oil and a dash of turmeric is added. Just before rubbing the ball is dipped in a bit of almond oil. This practice is continued for the first six days after birth, before the bath. It enhances circulation, helps in the expulsion of toxins and aids the digestive system of the baby. On the seventh day after birth, actual baby massage with the dough ball starts and this goes on every day for 3 weeks. The dough ball should be dipped in oil every now and then, which helps to keep the 3 proper balance. Massage with the hands begins when the infant is one month old, when the baby's body has become strong enough. The baby massage is continued every day for 3 months, during which the most time is spend in massaging spine, back, neck, waist, hands and feet, because these parts need to gain strength to support the body.

Baby massage

best baby massage Choose a moment in which you and your child are relaxed and calm. A half hour after the baby has eaten is recommended. Be sure that the room temperature is warm (78 degrees Fahrenheit). Undress the baby completely, if the weather is cold or humid cover the areas of the baby's body that are not being massaged. Put the baby on a soft surface so your baby will feel comfortable and secure. Keep some little pillows handy. It is a good idea to put some cream on your hands and rub them together so they will be soft and warm. Basically the massage flows from the head to the toes. With soft and gentle touches you will work on the head, face, shoulders, arms, chest, stomach and legs. While you massage your baby look tenderly at him/her. Doing this you stimulate all the senses of the baby and establish a more intense visual...


This program was designed to complement the learning experience of students who had followed a child through the first year in the lead program of the series, Child Growth & Development in the first 12 months of life. Between the ages of 1 and 4, the major developmental changes in children occur in the areas of cognition, language and social interaction. These changes are less visible than the physical changes (predominantly development of motor skills) that occur in the first 12 months of life. To address the increasingly complex nature of cognitive and language development, the program has been designed around a series of cases that highlight specific developmental milestones, for example, language delay at 2 years, and school readiness at 4 years of age. The case scenarios are used as entry points to further health and family topics such as nutrition, injury prevention, toilet training, behaviour modification and school readiness. In addition, the p...