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Showing posts from March, 2010

Baby vaccinations

Baby vaccinations The vaccinations also called immunizations are very effective and give infants power to resist contagious and serious health conditions. This will protect the babies against many diseases such as tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, measles, mumps, polio virus, hepatitis B and Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria.This immunization and vaccination schedule may vary depending upon where you live, your child's health, the type of vaccine, and the vaccines available. Ask your doctor about which vaccines your child should receive. Check with your doctor or nurse to make sure your baby is getting immunized on time. Also make sure you ask your doctor or nurse to give you a record card with all the dates of your baby's shots and be sure to bring it to every visit. Your baby need vaccinations or immunizations due to the following reasons. Vaccination is the administration of antigenic material in the infant's body. The importance of immunization is that it helps to protect...

Teeth brushing and care -Baby

Teeth brushing and care As soon as your baby has teeth, they’re going to need care and attention to keep them in good condition. Well cared for milk teeth play an important role in determining the health of permanent teeth, so it’s vital to look after that first set of twenty baby teeth. Make brushing more fun It’s natural for your baby to want to resist having his teeth brushed. To make it more enjoyable for you both, try cleaning your teeth first to show him that it’s something normal. Use a colourful brand of toothpaste and a novelty toothbrush if it helps. If you’re in front of a bathroom mirror, try and get your baby interested in their reflection to keep him entertained. You can also try cradling your baby in your arms to make it easier for you to reach to his teeth and create a more comfortable experience for you both Your baby may be experiencing growth spurts at this time and will demand more frequent feeding. This is when you’ll be thinking about starting solids. Everyone fro...

Healthy Babyfood is Simple, Pure and Natural

Healthy Babyfood Matters! Healthy babyfood sets the template for lifelong eating habits and affects a baby's health and relationship with food for the rest of its life. During babyhood, babies develop their taste for good food, they lay down fat cells, and go through important stages of physical development in a very short space of time. It is vitally important that we feed babies what is good and natural to their metabolisms during this formative period. When you have a baby, you should start as you mean to go on, in order to set down an early pattern of good food habits for your child. If you want your child to grow up liking good, healthy food, you need to start her off with healthy babyfood. Breastfeeding is unequivocally the best possible start you can give to your baby in terms of her future health and eating habits. It is simply the best, the healthiest babyfood and should always be the first option to consider. If you are pregnant, or are currently a breastfeeding mother, I...